Jon Woodrow
Jon WoodrowCo Founder & Director

After more than 35 years operating at a senior level in London’s financial district specialising in worldwide Aviation, Jon now has the luxury of a portfolio career under the umbrella of several companies including EPIC 4 LTD and AViAD Global Limited. Jon is a serial entrepreneur with a 100% track record of profitability.

EPIC 4 was set up in May 2021 with three like-minded co-directors to produce quality Film, TV, Corporate Videos, Music videos and Scriptwriting. It facilitates their work in the Film and Theatre industries. Jon is an accomplished Actor with Directing, Line Producer and 1st or 2nd AD capabilities. Having both Feature Film and Stage Lead credits to his name he is always happy to discuss your next project with you. He is articulate and literate and has the confidence to bring innovation and imagination to every role. As Film Crew you will find his ‘can do’ attitude of immense value to your production, problem solving and relating to everyone on set with ease. Contact him for film or theatre matters on
Jon has also done a significant amount of work in the charitable sector, raising £1.2m over two years for a local childrens’ charity. 10% of all profits from his wholly-owned companies goes to charitable causes.

In all the services Jon offers you will find him focussed; versatile; ethical; totally punctual and reliable; fully committed to achieving the best and always professional. He has a client-centric approach in all his activities with an attention to detail both in product and service. He is a natural problem solver and negotiator and believes in making deals that have value for all parties. Please do contact Jon if you would like to discuss what he can do to help you with any of the services he can provide.


Rock Salt
Rock SaltCo Founder & Director

Born in December 1966. Educated in the West Midlands before moving to Wales at 18 to work as an outdoor pursuits instructor.
In 1989 Rock was became base camp manager to the British Icelandic Expedition. The first ever successful crossing of the vast Vatnajökull icecap in winter and on foot.

Rock’s first acting role was in 1995 on a movie called “On Dangerous Ground” Starring Rob Lowe and directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark. This was a reward for taking the crew abseiling down the magnificent Lake Vyrnwy dam one evening. Rock has since been in numerous supporting roles in TV and movies.

Fascinated with every aspect of movie making Rock turned his hand to directing. His debut in this field was a movie called THE MAN ON THE DOORSTEP which Rock received an honourary mention award at the Los Angeles film awards in 2018.

Rock is now a keen screenplay writer and has written numerous features and productions ready for TV. In just 14 months Rock wrote, produced and co- directed a World War One feature movie called ELEVEN which premiered in London on the 100th anniversary of Armistice day- November 2018

In 2019, after connecting with actress Susan George, Rock was put in touch with multi- award winning producer Tom Reeve who persuaded Rock to turn his original 120-page Western feature script (MISS HARPER & CO) into an eight-episode series for TV which is now in pre- production.

Rock is also a fellow director of EPIC 4 Ltd. A production company with a broad range of services to the film/TV and music industry.

In all services Rock offers, you will find him very approachable, friendly, honest, focused, professional and reliable. Please contact Rock at if you would like to discuss what he can do to help you with any of the services he can provide.

Ian Dangerfield
Ian DangerfieldCo Founder & Director

Ian has been in the film industry for over 40 years with his first film being made on celluloid (that’s old!) He has been full-time for the last 15 years in one capacity or another including lighting, sound, DoP, editing and directing on short films as well a feature films. He has worked on projects shown on VICE, BBC, Channel 4 and directing his second series for SkyTV early next year.

He has filmed with many famous names including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Iron Maidens ‘Blaze Bailey’. He has now added an ‘old string’ to his bow, music. Having a number 1 in the reggae charts in the 80’s, he has now taken to writing music for film too. The last film he wrote for has recently won the Los Angeles Film Awards.

Ian has now teamed up with three other like-minded people to form a new company EPIC 4 Ltd and looking to produce some great projects in the near future.

He brings an incredible range of skills to the EPIC 4 team and is a valuable part of the team.

When asked what he did for a living, he replied

“I capture people’s imagination”